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SBC Global Advisors, Inc.
(646) 596-4205

President's Letter

Businesses, global or local, operating in emerging markets and at the base of the pyramid (phrase coined by CK Prahalad to represent the 4 billion people living below $2 day) face challenges unique to their environments; including poor infrastructure; remote access by road; off grid power, electricity and water; weak governance, regulatory barriers, corruption, inefficient information and lax rule of law; lack of access to financial and health services. Despite or because of shortcoming in such environments, great opportunities exist to serve the market as well as gain financial return by combining commercial, social and environmental enterprise. Given the large market size, lack of competition, underserved population, and possibilities for innovation, cooperation with government and customer loyalty effective firms and corporations willing to adapt their business model and management style to circumstances on the ground, can achieve sustainable triple bottom line results. Timely business advice, targeted research, patient capital and enlightened management enhance the likelihood of success.

SBC works hand in hand with clients to achieve business and investment goals, forming a unified vision. Leveraging more >20 years of professional experience in emerging markets, financial and private sector development SBC’s Principal Susan Chaffin helps firms to reach scale and seize global market share.

Susan B Chaffin